Find memes without words & captions

How many times has this happened to you? You come across a meme that you want to re-use but you're not able to find the meme without the caption.

This is a meme creators' struggle. When you come across a new meme, you want to recreate it but it's so hard to find it without the caption

Here are a few ways in which you can find the meme without its caption

Reverse Image Search

Reverse Image Search

The simplest way to find the source meme template from the meme is by doing a simple reverse image search. You can simply right click any image and search image in Google.

If you're lucky, you might find the source image quickly. But in most cases (like the results here), you'll find other such memes and not the blank template.

Reverse Image Search

Alternatively, you can also directly upload it on Google Images search.

Reverse Image Search

Using meme template name

Finding template names

If your reverse image search attempt is unsuccessful, you can use the information from there to search for the base meme template.

Let's look at a different example:

Meme Template Name Search

In this example, you can see a few clues and patterns. You can see that Will Smith and Chris Rock seem to be the common text across all the similar memes and you can be sure that it's possibly the base meme template's name

Searching on Google

From there, you can simply search for the clue + blank template to find the source template. In this example, it'll be 'will smith chris rock blank template'.

Meme Template Name Google Search

Searching on Template Databases

If you're not able to directly find the meme template on Google, you can conduct a more specific search on template libraries (like Search).
Supermeme Search

Here's a pro tip and not so subtle pitch

Instead of struggling to find the actual template, you can search for an emotion and find a relevant template on search which is indexed with thousands of popular (and safe to use) meme templates. Notice that the same template shows up for the word 'angry':

Supermeme Search

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Asking on forums

If you're unable to find the base meme template even after all these steps, there is one secret step that you probably didn't know.

There are popular Discord and Reddit forums where people actively share meme templates without captions and that's a great place for you to discover new templates.

This is our most favorite form on Reddit:

Reddit Meme Template

You can simply post your meme and the good samaritans of the community will source the meme template for you.

There you go! These are some of the ways in which you can get memes without captions!

What do you do once you find the meme template? You create memes!